Popular Russian surnames starting with U

Popular Russian surnames starting with the letter “U” are an interesting and diverse collection of surnames that have been passed down through generations. These surnames often reflect the history, geography, and cultural heritage of Russia. Some common characteristics of Russian surnames starting with “U include their Slavic origins, with many of them originating from words that describe physical or personality traits, professions, or places of origin.

Examples of Russian surnames starting with “U” include Abramov, Alekseev, Andreev, Antonov, and Artamonov. These surnames may have meanings related to “father of many,” “defender,” “priceless,” “first,” or “hero.”

Popular Russian surnames starting with U
Popular Russian surnames starting with U

Interestingly, some surnames beginning with “U” may also reflect a person’s zodiac sign, with many Scorpios, Pisces, and Sagittarius represented in this category.

Overall, Russian surnames starting with “U represent a rich and diverse part of Russian culture and history. They offer a glimpse into the past, as well as a connection to family and heritage for those who bear them.

100 Russian Baby Surnames Starting With The Letter “U”

  1. Ustinov – Derived from the name Ustin, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  2. Uvarov – Derived from “uvar,” meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  3. Ulyanov – Derived from the name Ulyana, meaning “youthful.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  4. Udalov – Derived from “udal,” meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  5. Ushakov – Derived from “ushak,” meaning “hat” or “headgear.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  6. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  7. Ushakova – Feminine form of Ushakov, meaning “hat” or “headgear.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  8. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  9. Utkin – Derived from “utka,” meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  10. Uspensky – Derived from “uspenskaya,” meaning “Assumption” (referring to a religious event). (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  11. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  12. Uvarov – Derived from “uvar,” meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  13. Usov – Derived from “us,” meaning “ox” or “bull.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  14. Ulyanova – Feminine form of Ulyanov, meaning “youthful.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  15. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  16. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  17. Ushakova – Feminine form of Ushakov, meaning “hat” or “headgear.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  18. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  19. Utkina – Feminine form of Utkin, meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  20. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  21. Utkin – Derived from “utka,” meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  22. Uspenskaya – Feminine form of Uspensky, meaning “Assumption” (referring to a religious event). (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  23. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  24. Uvarov – Derived from “uvar,” meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  25. Usov – Derived from “us,” meaning “ox” or “bull.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  26. Ulyanova – Feminine form of Ulyanov, meaning “youthful.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  27. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  28. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  29. Ushakova – Feminine form of Ushakov, meaning “hat” or “headgear.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  30. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  31. Utkina – Feminine form of Utkin, meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  32. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  33. Utkin – Derived from “utka,” meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  34. Uspenskaya – Feminine form of Uspensky, meaning “Assumption” (referring to a religious event). (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  35. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  36. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  37. Usov – Derived from “us,” meaning “ox” or “bull.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  38. Ulyanova – Feminine form of Ulyanov, meaning “youthful.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  39. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  40. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  41. Ushakova – Feminine form of Ushakov, meaning “hat” or “headgear.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  42. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  43. Utkina – Feminine form of Utkin, meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  44. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  45. Utkin – Derived from “utka,” meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  46. Uspenskaya – Feminine form of Uspensky, meaning “Assumption” (referring to a religious event). (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  47. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  48. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  49. Usov – Derived from “us,” meaning “ox” or “bull.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  50. Ulyanova – Feminine form of Ulyanov, meaning “youthful.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  51. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  52. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  53. Ushakova – Feminine form of Ushakov, meaning “hat” or “headgear.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  54. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  55. Utkina – Feminine form of Utkin, meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  56. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  57. Utkin – Derived from “utka,” meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  58. Uspenskaya – Feminine form of Uspensky, meaning “Assumption” (referring to a religious event). (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  59. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  60. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  61. Usov – Derived from “us,” meaning “ox” or “bull.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  62. Ulyanova – Feminine form of Ulyanov, meaning “youthful.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  63. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  64. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  65. Ushakova – Feminine form of Ushakov, meaning “hat” or “headgear.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  66. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  67. Utkina – Feminine form of Utkin, meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  68. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  69. Utkin – Derived from “utka,” meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  70. Uspenskaya – Feminine form of Uspensky, meaning “Assumption” (referring to a religious event). (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  71. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  72. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  73. Usov – Derived from “us,” meaning “ox” or “bull.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  74. Ulyanova – Feminine form of Ulyanov, meaning “youthful.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  75. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  76. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  77. Ushakova – Feminine form of Ushakov, meaning “hat” or “headgear.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  78. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  79. Utkina – Feminine form of Utkin, meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  80. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  81. Utkin – Derived from “utka,” meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  82. Uspenskaya – Feminine form of Uspensky, meaning “Assumption” (referring to a religious event). (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  83. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  84. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  85. Usov – Derived from “us,” meaning “ox” or “bull.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  86. Ulyanova – Feminine form of Ulyanov, meaning “youthful.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  87. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  88. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  89. Ushakova – Feminine form of Ushakov, meaning “hat” or “headgear.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  90. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  91. Utkina – Feminine form of Utkin, meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  92. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  93. Utkin – Derived from “utka,” meaning “duck.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  94. Uspenskaya – Feminine form of Uspensky, meaning “Assumption” (referring to a religious event). (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  95. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  96. Uvarova – Feminine form of Uvarov, meaning “brewer” or “cook.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  97. Usov – Derived from “us,” meaning “ox” or “bull.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  98. Ulyanova – Feminine form of Ulyanov, meaning “youthful.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  99. Ustinova – Feminine form of Ustinov, meaning “venerable” or “respected.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  100. Udalova – Feminine form of Udalov, meaning “distant” or “remote.” (Zodiac: Cancer)

Russian surnames beginning with U

Friends’ Here List Russian surnames starting with U or Russian last names beginning with U

  1. Ustinov (Устинов) – derived from the name “Ustin”, meaning “steadfast, firm”. Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  2. Uvarov (Уваров) – derived from the word “uvarka”, meaning “cooking, boiling”. Zodiac sign: Pisces.
  3. Ushakov (Ушаков) – derived from the word “ushak”, meaning “cap, hat”. Zodiac sign: Aries.
  4. Ulyanov (Ульянов) – derived from the name “Ulyana”, meaning “youthful”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  5. Urmanov (Урманов) – derived from the word “urman”, meaning “dense forest”. Zodiac sign: Cancer.
  6. Udalov (Удалов) – derived from the word “udal”, meaning “remote, distant”. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  7. Usmanov (Усманов) – derived from the name “Usman”, meaning “baby bustard”. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  8. Utkin (Уткин) – derived from the word “utka”, meaning “duck”. Zodiac sign: Virgo.
  9. Udovichenko (Удовиченко) – derived from the name “Udovich”, meaning “happy, fortunate”. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.
  10. Ufimtsev (Уфимцев) – derived from the city of Ufa in Russia. Zodiac sign: Gemini.
  11. Ugryumov (Угрюмов) – derived from the word “ugryumyi”, meaning “sullen, morose”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  12. Ushakova (Ушакова) – feminine form of Ushakov, derived from the word “ushak”, meaning “cap, hat”. Zodiac sign: Aries.
  13. Utkina (Уткина) – feminine form of Utkin, derived from the word “utka”, meaning “duck”. Zodiac sign: Virgo.
  14. Uvarova (Уварова) – feminine form of Uvarov, derived from the word “uvarka”, meaning “cooking, boiling”. Zodiac sign: Pisces.
  15. Uspensky (Успенский) – derived from the word “uspenskiy”, meaning “Assumption”. Zodiac sign: Leo.
  16. Udalova (Удалова) – feminine form of Udalov, derived from the word “udal”, meaning “remote, distant”. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  17. Ushakovtsev (Ушаковцев) – patronymic surname derived from Ushakov. Zodiac sign: Aries.
  18. Ustinova (Устинова) – feminine form of Ustinov, derived from the name “Ustin”, meaning “steadfast, firm”. Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  19. Ushak (Ушак) – derived from the word “ushak”, meaning “cap, hat”. Zodiac sign: Aries.
  20. Usachev (Усачев) – derived from the word “usach”, meaning “furrow”. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  21. Ushakovskaya (Ушаковская) – feminine form of Ushakovskiy, derived from the word “ushak”, meaning “cap, hat”. Zodiac sign: Aries.
  22. Uglanov (Угланов) – derived from the word “ugol”, meaning “angle, corner”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  23. Udalitsky (Удалицкий) – derived from the word “udalit”, meaning “to dismiss, to banish”. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  24. Ustyugov (Устюгов) – derived from the city of Veliky Ustyug in Russia. Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  25. Ulyanenko (Ульяненко) – patronymic surname derived from Ulyana, meaning “youthful”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  26. Usenko (Усенко) – derived from the word “us”, meaning “ear (of grain)”. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  27. Ushakovsky (Ушаковский) – derived from the word “ushak”, meaning “cap, hat”. Zodiac sign: Aries.
  28. Uzdenov (Узденов) – derived from the word “uzda”, meaning “bridle”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  29. Ufimkin (Уфимкин) – patronymic surname derived from Ufa, a city in Russia. Zodiac sign: Gemini.
  30. Uryadov (Урядов) – derived from the word “uryad”, meaning “order, arrangement”. Zodiac sign: Cancer.
  31. Ustinovsky (Устиновский) – derived from the name Ustin, meaning “steadfast, firm”. Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  32. Uglov (Углов) – derived from the word “ugol”, meaning “angle, corner”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  33. Uzhakov (Ужаков) – derived from the word “uzh”, meaning “snake”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  34. Ulyashev (Ульяшев) – derived from the name Ulyana, meaning “youthful”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  35. Uzunov (Узунов) – derived from the word “uzun”, meaning “long”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  36. Uchaykin (Учайкин) – derived from the word “uchayka”, meaning “marmot”. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  37. Usov (Усов) – derived from the word “us”, meaning “ear (of grain)”. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  38. Ustimenko (Устименко) – patronymic surname derived from the name Ustim, meaning “stand firm”. Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  39. Uryadnikov (Урядников) – derived from the word “uryadnik”, meaning “official, bureaucrat”. Zodiac sign: Cancer.
  40. Ushakovets (Ушаковец) – patronymic surname derived from Ushakov, meaning “cap, hat”. Zodiac sign: Aries.
  41. Usmanov (Усманов) – derived from the Arabic name Usman, meaning “baby snake”. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  42. Udalov (Удалов) – derived from the word “udal”, meaning “remote, distant”. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  43. Uspenskaya (Успенская) – feminine form of Uspensky, derived from the word “uspenskiy”, meaning “Assumption”. Zodiac sign: Leo.
  44. Ustyuzhanin (Устюжанин) – derived from Ustyuzhna, a town in Russia. Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  45. Ugryumova (Угрюмова) – feminine form of Ugryumov, derived from the word “ugryumyi”, meaning “sullen, morose”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  46. Ufimtsev (Уфимцев) – patronymic surname derived from Ufa, a city in Russia. Zodiac sign: Gemini.
  47. Usovsky (Усовский) – derived from the word “us”, meaning “ear (of grain)”. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  48. Uchitel (Учитель) – derived from the word “uchitel”, meaning “teacher”. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  49. Ustimenko (Устименко) – patronymic surname derived from the name Ustim, meaning “stand firm”. Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  50. Udalova (Удалова) – feminine form of Udalov, derived from the word “udal”, meaning “remote, distant”. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  51. Usachev (Усачев) – derived from the word “usach”, meaning “thick hair”. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  52. Uvarov (Уваров) – derived from the word “uvar”, meaning “cook, chef”. Zodiac sign: Leo.
  53. Udalova (Удалова) – feminine form of Udalov, derived from the word “udal”, meaning “remote, distant”. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  54. Ushakova (Ушакова) – feminine form of Ushakov, meaning “cap, hat”. Zodiac sign: Aries.
  55. Ushakovtsev (Ушаковцев) – patronymic surname derived from Ushakov, meaning “cap, hat”. Zodiac sign: Aries.
  56. Ulyanovskaya (Ульяновская) – feminine form of Ulyanovskiy, derived from the name Ulyan, meaning “youthful”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  57. Uzhinov (Ужинов) – derived from the word “uzhin”, meaning “dinner”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  58. Uglovsky (Угловский) – derived from the word “ugol”, meaning “angle, corner”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  59. Uspensky (Успенский) – derived from the word “uspenskiy”, meaning “Assumption”. Zodiac sign: Leo.
  60. Uteshev (Утешев) – derived from the word “uteshat”, meaning “to comfort, to console”. Zodiac sign: Cancer.
  61. Ustyantsev (Устянцев) – patronymic surname derived from the name Ustyan, meaning “risen from the ashes”. Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  62. Ufimkin (Уфимкин) – patronymic surname derived from Ufa, a city in Russia. Zodiac sign: Gemini.
  63. Ukolova (Уколова) – feminine form of Ukolov, derived from the word “ukol”, meaning “injection, shot”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  64. Umanets (Уманец) – derived from the word “um”, meaning “mind, intelligence”. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  65. Umnov (Умнов) – derived from the word “um”, meaning “mind, intelligence”. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  66. Urazova (Уразова) – feminine form of Urazov, derived from the word “uraz”, meaning “injury”. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  67. Ushakov (Ушаков) – meaning “cap, hat”. Zodiac sign: Aries.
  68. Ustinov (Устинов) – patronymic surname derived from the name Ustin, meaning “stand firm”. Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  69. Utyasheva (Утяшева) – feminine form of Utyashev, derived from the word “utyashevy”, meaning “quiet, peaceful”. Zodiac sign: Cancer.
  70. Usov (Усов) – derived from the word “us”, meaning “ear (of grain)”. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.


Russian surnames starting with the letter “U” represent a unique aspect of Russian culture and history. From the ancient Slavic origins of these surnames to the diverse meanings and associations with zodiac signs, these names offer a fascinating insight into the past and present of Russian identity. Whether you’re looking to trace your family tree or simply appreciate the richness and complexity of Russian culture, exploring surnames starting with “U” can be an enriching and enlightening experience. With their diverse meanings and connections to Russian history, these surnames continue to be an important part of Russian identity today. Whether you’re an avid genealogist, a lover of history and culture, or simply curious about the world around you, Russian last names starting with “U” are certainly worth exploring.

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