Popular Russian surnames starting with T

Popular Russian surnames starting with the letter “T” are an interesting and diverse collection of surnames that have been passed down through generations. These surnames often reflect the history, geography, and cultural heritage of Russia. Some common characteristics of Russian surnames starting with “T include their Slavic origins, with many of them originating from words that describe physical or personality traits, professions, or places of origin.

Examples of Russian surnames starting with “T” include Abramov, Alekseev, Andreev, Antonov, and Artamonov. These surnames may have meanings related to “father of many,” “defender,” “priceless,” “first,” or “hero.”

Popular Russian surnames starting with T
Popular Russian surnames starting with T

Interestingly, some surnames beginning with “T” may also reflect a person’s zodiac sign, with many Scorpios, Pisces, and Sagittarius represented in this category.

Overall, Russian surnames starting with “T represent a rich and diverse part of Russian culture and history. They offer a glimpse into the past, as well as a connection to family and heritage for those who bear them.

100 Russian Baby Surnames Starting With The Letter “T”

  1. Tarasov – Derived from “Taras,” possibly meaning “from Taras.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  2. Tikhonov – Derived from “Tikhon,” meaning “quiet” or “calm.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  3. Timofeev – Derived from “Timofey,” meaning “honoring God.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  4. Trofimov – Derived from “Trofim,” possibly meaning “nourishment” or “food.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  5. Titov – Derived from “Tit,” meaning “giant” or “large.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  6. Tarasova – Feminine form of Tarasov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  7. Tikhonova – Feminine form of Tikhonov. (Zodiac: Libra)
  8. Timofeeva – Feminine form of Timofeev. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  9. Trofimova – Feminine form of Trofimov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  10. Titova – Feminine form of Titov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  11. Tsvetkov – Derived from “tsvet,” meaning “flower” or “blossom.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  12. Talanov – Derived from “talan,” meaning “gift” or “talent.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  13. Tarasov – Derived from “Taras,” possibly meaning “from Taras.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  14. Tikhonov – Derived from “Tikhon,” meaning “quiet” or “calm.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  15. Timofeev – Derived from “Timofey,” meaning “honoring God.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  16. Trofimov – Derived from “Trofim,” possibly meaning “nourishment” or “food.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  17. Titov – Derived from “Tit,” meaning “giant” or “large.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  18. Tarasova – Feminine form of Tarasov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  19. Tikhonova – Feminine form of Tikhonov. (Zodiac: Libra)
  20. Timofeeva – Feminine form of Timofeev. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  21. Trofimova – Feminine form of Trofimov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  22. Titova – Feminine form of Titov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  23. Tsvetkova – Feminine form of Tsvetkov. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  24. Talanova – Feminine form of Talanov. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  25. Tarasov – Derived from “Taras,” possibly meaning “from Taras.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  26. Tikhonov – Derived from “Tikhon,” meaning “quiet” or “calm.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  27. Timofeev – Derived from “Timofey,” meaning “honoring God.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  28. Trofimov – Derived from “Trofim,” possibly meaning “nourishment” or “food.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  29. Titov – Derived from “Tit,” meaning “giant” or “large.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  30. Tarasova – Feminine form of Tarasov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  31. Tikhonova – Feminine form of Tikhonov. (Zodiac: Libra)
  32. Timofeeva – Feminine form of Timofeev. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  33. Trofimova – Feminine form of Trofimov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  34. Titova – Feminine form of Titov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  35. Tsvetkova – Feminine form of Tsvetkov. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  36. Talanova – Feminine form of Talanov. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  37. Tarasov – Derived from “Taras,” possibly meaning “from Taras.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  38. Tikhonov – Derived from “Tikhon,” meaning “quiet” or “calm.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  39. Timofeev – Derived from “Timofey,” meaning “honoring God.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  40. Trofimov – Derived from “Trofim,” possibly meaning “nourishment” or “food.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  41. Titov – Derived from “Tit,” meaning “giant” or “large.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  42. Tarasova – Feminine form of Tarasov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  43. Tikhonova – Feminine form of Tikhonov. (Zodiac: Libra)
  44. Timofeeva – Feminine form of Timofeev. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  45. Trofimova – Feminine form of Trofimov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  46. Titova – Feminine form of Titov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  47. Tsvetkova – Feminine form of Tsvetkov. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  48. Talanova – Feminine form of Talanov. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  49. Tarasov – Derived from “Taras,” possibly meaning “from Taras.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  50. Tikhonov – Derived from “Tikhon,” meaning “quiet” or “calm.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  51. Timofeev – Derived from “Timofey,” meaning “honoring God.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  52. Trofimov – Derived from “Trofim,” possibly meaning “nourishment” or “food.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  53. Titov – Derived from “Tit,” meaning “giant” or “large.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  54. Tarasova – Feminine form of Tarasov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  55. Tikhonova – Feminine form of Tikhonov. (Zodiac: Libra)
  56. Timofeeva – Feminine form of Timofeev. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  57. Trofimova – Feminine form of Trofimov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  58. Titova – Feminine form of Titov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  59. Tsvetkova – Feminine form of Tsvetkov. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  60. Talanova – Feminine form of Talanov. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  61. Tarasov – Derived from “Taras,” possibly meaning “from Taras.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  62. Tikhonov – Derived from “Tikhon,” meaning “quiet” or “calm.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  63. Timofeev – Derived from “Timofey,” meaning “honoring God.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  64. Trofimov – Derived from “Trofim,” possibly meaning “nourishment” or “food.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  65. Titov – Derived from “Tit,” meaning “giant” or “large.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  66. Tarasova – Feminine form of Tarasov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  67. Tikhonova – Feminine form of Tikhonov. (Zodiac: Libra)
  68. Timofeeva – Feminine form of Timofeev. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  69. Trofimova – Feminine form of Trofimov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  70. Titova – Feminine form of Titov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  71. Tsvetkova – Feminine form of Tsvetkov. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  72. Talanova – Feminine form of Talanov. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  73. Tarasov – Derived from “Taras,” possibly meaning “from Taras.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  74. Tikhonov – Derived from “Tikhon,” meaning “quiet” or “calm.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  75. Timofeev – Derived from “Timofey,” meaning “honoring God.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  76. Trofimov – Derived from “Trofim,” possibly meaning “nourishment” or “food.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  77. Titov – Derived from “Tit,” meaning “giant” or “large.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  78. Tarasova – Feminine form of Tarasov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  79. Tikhonova – Feminine form of Tikhonov. (Zodiac: Libra)
  80. Timofeeva – Feminine form of Timofeev. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  81. Trofimova – Feminine form of Trofimov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  82. Titova – Feminine form of Titov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  83. Tsvetkova – Feminine form of Tsvetkov. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  84. Talanova – Feminine form of Talanov. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  85. Tarasov – Derived from “Taras,” possibly meaning “from Taras.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  86. Tikhonov – Derived from “Tikhon,” meaning “quiet” or “calm.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  87. Timofeev – Derived from “Timofey,” meaning “honoring God.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  88. Trofimov – Derived from “Trofim,” possibly meaning “nourishment” or “food.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  89. Titov – Derived from “Tit,” meaning “giant” or “large.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  90. Tarasova – Feminine form of Tarasov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  91. Tikhonova – Feminine form of Tikhonov. (Zodiac: Libra)
  92. Timofeeva – Feminine form of Timofeev. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  93. Trofimova – Feminine form of Trofimov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  94. Titova – Feminine form of Titov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  95. Tsvetkova – Feminine form of Tsvetkov. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  96. Talanova – Feminine form of Talanov. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  97. Tarasov – Derived from “Taras,” possibly meaning “from Taras.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  98. Tikhonov – Derived from “Tikhon,” meaning “quiet” or “calm.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  99. Timofeev – Derived from “Timofey,” meaning “honoring God.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  100. Trofimov – Derived from “Trofim,” possibly meaning “nourishment” or “food.” (Zodiac: Cancer)

Russian surnames beginning with T

Friends’ Here List Russian surnames starting with T or Russian last names beginning with T

  1. Таев (Taev) – from the word “taiga”, meaning “forest”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  2. Таймазов (Taymazov) – from the Persian word “taymaz”, meaning “brave”; zodiac sign: Pisces
  3. Таланов (Talanov) – from the word “talant”, meaning “talent”; zodiac sign: Virgo
  4. Талантов (Talantov) – from the word “talant”, meaning “talent”; zodiac sign: Virgo
  5. Талыпов (Talypov) – from the Turkic word “talyp”, meaning “desire”; zodiac sign: Aquarius
  6. Тамбовцев (Tambotsev) – from the name of the city of Tambov; zodiac sign: Aries
  7. Таможенко (Tamojenko) – from the word “tamozhnya”, meaning “customs”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  8. Танасеев (Tanaseev) – from the Romanian name “Tanase”; zodiac sign: Cancer
  9. Танкистов (Tankistov) – from the word “tankist”, meaning “tankman”; zodiac sign: Leo
  10. Таранов (Taranov) – from the word “taran”, meaning “ram”; zodiac sign: Aries
  11. Тарасов (Tarasov) – from the Ukrainian name “Taras”; zodiac sign: Capricorn
  12. Тарасюк (Tarasyuk) – from the Ukrainian name “Taras”; zodiac sign: Capricorn
  13. Тарханов (Tarkhanov) – from the Turkic word “tarkhan”, meaning “noble”; zodiac sign: Leo
  14. Татаринцев (Tatarintsev) – from the word “tatarin”, meaning “Tatar”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  15. Татарков (Tatarkov) – from the word “tatarin”, meaning “Tatar”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  16. Тахауов (Takhaov) – from the Chechen name “Takha”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  17. Ташбулатов (Tashbulatov) – from the Turkic name “Tashbulat”; zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  18. Твердохлебов (Tverdokhlebov) – from the words “tverdyy” (hard) and “khleb” (bread); zodiac sign: Taurus
  19. Твердохлебова (Tverdokhlebova) – from the words “tverdyy” (hard) and “khleb” (bread); zodiac sign: Taurus
  20. Твердохлебовы (Tverdokhlebovy) – from the words “tverdyy” (hard) and “khleb” (bread); zodiac sign: Taurus
  21. Темиров (Temirov) – from the Turkic name “Temir”; zodiac sign: Aries
  22. Тереков (Terekov) – from the name of the Terek River; zodiac sign: Pisces
  23. Терентьев (Terentyev) – from the Greek name “Terentius”; zodiac sign: Cancer
  24. Терехин (Terekhin) – from the word “terekh”, meaning “cumin”; zodiac sign: Capricorn
  25. Тесленко (Teslenko) – from the Ukrainian name “Teslenko”; zodiac sign: Virgo
  26. Тимашев (Timashev) – from the name “Timofey”; zodiac sign: Leo
  27. Тимофеев (Timofeev) – from the name “Timofey”; zodiac sign: Leo
  28. Тихонов (Tikhonov) – from the name “Tikhon”; zodiac sign: Aquarius
  29. Тишин (Tishin) – from the word “tishina”, meaning “silence”; zodiac sign: Pisces
  30. Ткаченко (Tkachenko) – from the word “tkach”, meaning “weaver”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  31. Токарев (Tokarev) – from the word “tokar”, meaning “lathe operator”; zodiac sign: Taurus
  32. Толбин (Tolbin) – from the word “tolbina”, meaning “fog”; zodiac sign: Aquarius
  33. Толмачев (Tolmachev) – from the word “tolmach”, meaning “interpreter”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  34. Толоконников (Tolokonnkov) – from the word “tolokonnik”, meaning “toller”; zodiac sign: Pisces
  35. Толочко (Tolochko) – from the word “tolochit”, meaning “to pound”; zodiac sign: Pisces
  36. Томашевский (Tomashevsky) – from the Polish name “Tomaszewski”; zodiac sign: Leo
  37. Топорков (Toporkov) – from the word “topor”, meaning “axe”; zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  38. Торопов (Toropov) – from the word “toropit’sya”, meaning “to hurry”; zodiac sign: Aries
  39. Третьяков (Tretyakov) – from the name “Tretiak”; zodiac sign: Capricorn
  40. Трифонов (Trifonov) – from the name “Trifon”; zodiac sign: Gemini
  41. Троицкий (Troitsky) – from the name of the Holy Trinity; zodiac sign: Pisces
  42. Троицкая (Troitskaya) – from the name of the Holy Trinity; zodiac sign: Pisces
  43. Троицкие (Troitskie) – from the name of the Holy Trinity; zodiac sign: Pisces
  44. Трубачев (Trubachev) – from the word “trubach”, meaning “trumpeter”; zodiac sign: Aquarius
  45. Трубецкой (Trubetskoy) – from the name of a noble family; zodiac sign:
  46. Трушкин (Trushkin) – from the word “trushchoba”, meaning “dirt”; zodiac sign: Pisces
  47. Тугаринов (Tugarinov) – from the name “Tugarin”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  48. Туголуков (Tugolukov) – from the Tugoluk River; zodiac sign: Aries
  49. Тулупов (Tulupov) – from the word “tulup”, meaning “fur coat”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  50. Тупицын (Tupitsyn) – from the word “tupitsa”, meaning “dullard”; zodiac sign: Aries
  51. Туркин (Turkin) – from the name “Tura”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  52. Турчанинов (Turchaninov) – from the name “Turkhan”; zodiac sign: Aquarius
  53. Турчин (Turchin) – from the name “Tura”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  54. Турчинский (Turchinsky) – from the name “Tura”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  55. Тутушкин (Tutushkin) – from the word “tutushka”, meaning “doll”; zodiac sign: Pisces
  56. Тырин (Tyrin) – from the word “tyr”, meaning “bull”; zodiac sign: Taurus
  57. Тюленев (Tyulenev) – from the word “tyulen'”, meaning “seal”; zodiac sign: Pisces
  58. Тюрин (Tyurin) – from the word “tyur’ma”, meaning “prison”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  59. Тюрина (Tyurina) – from the word “tyur’ma”, meaning “prison”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  60. Тюринский (Tyurinsky) – from the word “tyur’ma”, meaning “prison”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  61. Тютюнников (Tyutyunnikov) – from the word “tyutyun”, meaning “tobacco”; zodiac sign: Taurus
  62. Тягачев (Tyagachev) – from the word “tyagach”, meaning “driver”; zodiac sign: Aries
  63. Тяжельников (Tyazhelnikov) – from the word “tyazhely”, meaning “heavy”; zodiac sign: Taurus
  64. Тяпкин (Tyapkin) – from the word “tyapk”, meaning “awkward person”; zodiac sign: Gemini
  65. Тяпкинский (Tyapkinsky) – from the word “tyapk”, meaning “awkward person”; zodiac sign: Gemini
  66. Тёмкин (Tyomkin) – from the name “Tyoma”; zodiac sign: Leo
  67. Тёмная (Tyomnaya) – from the word “tyomny”, meaning “dark”; zodiac sign: Scorpio
  68. Тёмные (Tyomnye) – from the word “tyomny”, meaning “dark”; zodiac sign: Scorpio


Russian surnames starting with the letter “T” represent a unique aspect of Russian culture and history. From the ancient Slavic origins of these surnames to the diverse meanings and associations with zodiac signs, these names offer a fascinating insight into the past and present of Russian identity. Whether you’re looking to trace your family tree or simply appreciate the richness and complexity of Russian culture, exploring surnames starting with “T” can be an enriching and enlightening experience. With their diverse meanings and connections to Russian history, these surnames continue to be an important part of Russian identity today. Whether you’re an avid genealogist, a lover of history and culture, or simply curious about the world around you, Russian last names starting with “T” are certainly worth exploring.

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