Popular Russian surnames starting with R

Popular Russian surnames starting with the letter “R” are an interesting and diverse collection of surnames that have been passed down through generations. These surnames often reflect the history, geography, and cultural heritage of Russia. Some common characteristics of Russian surnames starting with “R include their Slavic origins, with many of them originating from words that describe physical or personality traits, professions, or places of origin.

Examples of Russian surnames starting with “R” include Abramov, Alekseev, Andreev, Antonov, and Artamonov. These surnames may have meanings related to “father of many,” “defender,” “priceless,” “first,” or “hero.”

Popular Russian surnames starting with R
Popular Russian surnames starting with R

Interestingly, some surnames beginning with “R” may also reflect a person’s zodiac sign, with many Scorpios, Pisces, and Sagittarius represented in this category.

Overall, Russian surnames starting with “R represent a rich and diverse part of Russian culture and history. They offer a glimpse into the past, as well as a connection to family and heritage for those who bear them.

100 Russian Baby Surnames Starting With The Letter “R”

  1. Romanov – Derived from “Roman,” meaning “Roman” or “citizen of Rome.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  2. Rostov – Possibly derived from the word “rost,” meaning “growth” or “development.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  3. Rogov – Derived from “rog,” meaning “horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  4. Rodin – Derived from “rod,” meaning “kin” or “family.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  5. Rozhkov – Derived from “rozhok,” meaning “little horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  6. Raskolnikov – Derived from “raskol,” meaning “schism” or “split.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  7. Rublev – Derived from “rublyov,” meaning “made of ruble” or “son of Ruben.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  8. Rabinovich – Derived from “rabbi,” meaning “rabbi” or “teacher.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  9. Romanova – Feminine form of Romanov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  10. Rostova – Feminine form of Rostov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  11. Rogova – Feminine form of Rogov. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  12. Rodina – Feminine form of Rodin. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  13. Rozhkova – Feminine form of Rozhkov. (Zodiac: Aries)
  14. Raskolnikova – Feminine form of Raskolnikov. (Zodiac: Taurus)
  15. Rubleva – Feminine form of Rublev. (Zodiac: Gemini)
  16. Rabinovich – Feminine form of Rabinovich. (Zodiac: Cancer)
  17. Romanov – Derived from “Roman,” meaning “Roman” or “citizen of Rome.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  18. Rostov – Possibly derived from the word “rost,” meaning “growth” or “development.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  19. Rogov – Derived from “rog,” meaning “horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  20. Rodin – Derived from “rod,” meaning “kin” or “family.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  21. Rozhkov – Derived from “rozhok,” meaning “little horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  22. Raskolnikov – Derived from “raskol,” meaning “schism” or “split.” (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  23. Rublev – Derived from “rublyov,” meaning “made of ruble” or “son of Ruben.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  24. Rabinovich – Derived from “rabbi,” meaning “rabbi” or “teacher.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  25. Romanova – Feminine form of Romanov. (Zodiac: Aries)
  26. Rostova – Feminine form of Rostov. (Zodiac: Taurus)
  27. Rogova – Feminine form of Rogov. (Zodiac: Gemini)
  28. Rodina – Feminine form of Rodin. (Zodiac: Cancer)
  29. Rozhkova – Feminine form of Rozhkov. (Zodiac: Leo)
  30. Raskolnikova – Feminine form of Raskolnikov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  31. Rubleva – Feminine form of Rublev. (Zodiac: Libra)
  32. Rabinovich – Feminine form of Rabinovich. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  33. Romanov – Derived from “Roman,” meaning “Roman” or “citizen of Rome.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  34. Rostov – Possibly derived from the word “rost,” meaning “growth” or “development.” (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  35. Rogov – Derived from “rog,” meaning “horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  36. Rodin – Derived from “rod,” meaning “kin” or “family.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  37. Rozhkov – Derived from “rozhok,” meaning “little horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  38. Raskolnikov – Derived from “raskol,” meaning “schism” or “split.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  39. Rublev – Derived from “rublyov,” meaning “made of ruble” or “son of Ruben.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  40. Rabinovich – Derived from “rabbi,” meaning “rabbi” or “teacher.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  41. Romanova – Feminine form of Romanov. (Zodiac: Leo)
  42. Rostova – Feminine form of Rostov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  43. Rogova – Feminine form of Rogov. (Zodiac: Libra)
  44. Rodina – Feminine form of Rodin. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  45. Rozhkova – Feminine form of Rozhkov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  46. Raskolnikova – Feminine form of Raskolnikov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  47. Rubleva – Feminine form of Rublev. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  48. Rabinovich – Feminine form of Rabinovich. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  49. Romanov – Derived from “Roman,” meaning “Roman” or “citizen of Rome.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  50. Rostov – Possibly derived from the word “rost,” meaning “growth” or “development.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  51. Rogov – Derived from “rog,” meaning “horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  52. Rodin – Derived from “rod,” meaning “kin” or “family.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  53. Rozhkov – Derived from “rozhok,” meaning “little horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  54. Raskolnikov – Derived from “raskol,” meaning “schism” or “split.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  55. Rublev – Derived from “rublyov,” meaning “made of ruble” or “son of Ruben.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  56. Rabinovich – Derived from “rabbi,” meaning “rabbi” or “teacher.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  57. Romanova – Feminine form of Romanov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  58. Rostova – Feminine form of Rostov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  59. Rogova – Feminine form of Rogov. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  60. Rodina – Feminine form of Rodin. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  61. Rozhkova – Feminine form of Rozhkov. (Zodiac: Aries)
  62. Raskolnikova – Feminine form of Raskolnikov. (Zodiac: Taurus)
  63. Rubleva – Feminine form of Rublev. (Zodiac: Gemini)
  64. Rabinovich – Feminine form of Rabinovich. (Zodiac: Cancer)
  65. Romanov – Derived from “Roman,” meaning “Roman” or “citizen of Rome.” (Zodiac: Leo)
  66. Rostov – Possibly derived from the word “rost,” meaning “growth” or “development.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
  67. Rogov – Derived from “rog,” meaning “horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Libra)
  68. Rodin – Derived from “rod,” meaning “kin” or “family.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  69. Rozhkov – Derived from “rozhok,” meaning “little horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  70. Raskolnikov – Derived from “raskol,” meaning “schism” or “split.” (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  71. Rublev – Derived from “rublyov,” meaning “made of ruble” or “son of Ruben.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  72. Rabinovich – Derived from “rabbi,” meaning “rabbi” or “teacher.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  73. Romanova – Feminine form of Romanov. (Zodiac: Aries)
  74. Rostova – Feminine form of Rostov. (Zodiac: Taurus)
  75. Rogova – Feminine form of Rogov. (Zodiac: Gemini)
  76. Rodina – Feminine form of Rodin. (Zodiac: Cancer)
  77. Rozhkova – Feminine form of Rozhkov. (Zodiac: Leo)
  78. Raskolnikova – Feminine form of Raskolnikov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  79. Rubleva – Feminine form of Rublev. (Zodiac: Libra)
  80. Rabinovich – Feminine form of Rabinovich. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  81. Romanov – Derived from “Roman,” meaning “Roman” or “citizen of Rome.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  82. Rostov – Possibly derived from the word “rost,” meaning “growth” or “development.” (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  83. Rogov – Derived from “rog,” meaning “horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  84. Rodin – Derived from “rod,” meaning “kin” or “family.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
  85. Rozhkov – Derived from “rozhok,” meaning “little horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  86. Raskolnikov – Derived from “raskol,” meaning “schism” or “split.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  87. Rublev – Derived from “rublyov,” meaning “made of ruble” or “son of Ruben.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  88. Rabinovich – Derived from “rabbi,” meaning “rabbi” or “teacher.” (Zodiac: Cancer)
  89. Romanova – Feminine form of Romanov. (Zodiac: Leo)
  90. Rostova – Feminine form of Rostov. (Zodiac: Virgo)
  91. Rogova – Feminine form of Rogov. (Zodiac: Libra)
  92. Rodina – Feminine form of Rodin. (Zodiac: Scorpio)
  93. Rozhkova – Feminine form of Rozhkov. (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
  94. Raskolnikova – Feminine form of Raskolnikov. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
  95. Rubleva – Feminine form of Rublev. (Zodiac: Aquarius)
  96. Rabinovich – Feminine form of Rabinovich. (Zodiac: Pisces)
  97. Romanov – Derived from “Roman,” meaning “Roman” or “citizen of Rome.” (Zodiac: Aries)
  98. Rostov – Possibly derived from the word “rost,” meaning “growth” or “development.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
  99. Rogov – Derived from “rog,” meaning “horn” or “antler.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
  100. Rodin – Derived from “rod,” meaning “kin” or “family.” (Zodiac: Cancer)

Russian surnames beginning with R

Friends’ Here List Russian surnames starting with R or Russian last names beginning with R

  1. Romanov – “son of Rome”, Capricorn
  2. Rodionov – “son of Rodion”, Taurus
  3. Rogov – “rowan tree”, Scorpio
  4. Rostov – “place of growth”, Leo
  5. Rozhkov – “son of a horn”, Pisces
  6. Rusanov – “son of Ruslan”, Scorpio
  7. Rusakov – “son of Russia”, Aquarius
  8. Ryabov – “son of a grouse”, Scorpio
  9. Rybakov – “son of a fisherman”, Pisces
  10. Rybin – “son of a herring”, Pisces
  11. Rykov – “son of a fish”, Pisces
  12. Rylov – “son of a rye”, Virgo
  13. Ryzhov – “red-haired”, Aries
  14. Rakhmaninov – “son of Rahman”, Scorpio
  15. Rostislavov – “son of Rostislav”, Aquarius
  16. Rubtsov – “son of a ruby”, Aries
  17. Rumyantsev – “son of Rumyantsev”, Aquarius
  18. Rudenko – “son of Rudolf”, Virgo
  19. Rudin – “son of Rudolf”, Cancer
  20. Rudnev – “son of Rudolf”, Cancer
  21. Rudoy – “red”, Scorpio
  22. Rudenko – “son of a red-haired man”, Virgo
  23. Rusinov – “son of Ruslan”, Scorpio
  24. Rusin – “Russian”, Aquarius
  25. Rusanova – “daughter of Ruslan”, Scorpio
  26. Rusanova – “daughter of Russia”, Aquarius
  27. Ryzhikov – “son of a red-haired man”, Aries
  28. Ryzhikh – “red-haired”, Aries
  29. Ruzhin – “Ruzhin”, Taurus
  30. Ruzhnikov – “son of a brush”, Taurus
  31. Ruzanov – “son of Ruzan”, Scorpio
  32. Ruzin – “Ruzhin”, Taurus
  33. Ruzanova – “daughter of Ruzan”, Scorpio
  34. Ruzhinova – “daughter of Ruzhin”, Taurus
  35. Ruzhinova – “daughter of Ruzhin”, Taurus
  36. Ruzinova – “daughter of Ruzhin”, Taurus
  37. Rukosuev – “son of a rukosuy”, Pisces
  38. Rukosueva – “daughter of a rukosuy”, Pisces
  39. Rukosuy – “rake”, Pisces
  40. Rukavishnikov – “son of a glove-maker”, Scorpio
  41. Rukavishnikova – “daughter of a glove-maker”, Scorpio
  42. Rukavishnik – “glove-maker”, Scorpio
  43. Ruzayev – “son of a rose”, Scorpio
  44. Ruzayeva – “daughter of a rose”, Scorpio
  45. Ruzaykin – “son of a rose”, Scorpio
  46. Ruzaykina – “daughter of a rose”, Scorpio
  47. Ruzaychik – “little rose”, Scorpio
  48. Radchenko – “son of Radchenko”, Sagittarius
  49. Radev – “son of a happy person”, Scorpio
  50. Radin – “joyful”, Cancer
  51. Radishevsky – “from Radishev”, Scorpio
  52. Radionova – “daughter of Radion”, Taurus
  53. Radionov – “son of Radion”, Taurus
  54. Radko – “happy”, Sagittarius
  55. Radomsky – “from Radom”, Leo
  56. Radov – “happy”, Sagittarius
  57. Radoslavsky – “from Radoslav”, Aquarius
  58. Radulov – “son of Radul”, Scorpio
  59. Ragimov – “son of Ragim”, Scorpio
  60. Rahimov – “son of Rahim”, Scorpio
  61. Rakhimov – “son of Rakhim”, Scorpio
  62. Rasskazov – “son of a storyteller”, Sagittarius
  63. Rassokhina – “splitter”, Pisces
  64. Rastorguev – “disburser”, Scorpio
  65. Ratner – “adviser”, Cancer
  66. Ravilov – “son of Ravil”, Scorpio
  67. Ravinsky – “from Rava-Ruska”, Aquarius
  68. Razin – “Razin”, Taurus
  69. Razumov – “son of Razum”, Pisces
  70. Rebrov – “rib”, Taurus
  71. Redko – “rare”, Sagittarius
  72. Reznichenko – “son of a cutter”, Scorpio
  73. Reznikov – “son of a cutter”, Scorpio
  74. Remezov – “son of a remez”, Scorpio
  75. Repin – “Repina”, Aquarius
  76. Reshetnikov – “son of a weaver”, Scorpio
  77. Revzin – “son of a rabbi”, Leo
  78. Riazanov – “from Riazan”, Scorpio
  79. Ribakov – “son of a riba”, Pisces
  80. Ribakina – “daughter of a riba”, Pisces
  81. Rikunov – “son of Rikun”, Taurus
  82. Rimashevsky – “from Rimashev”, Scorpio
  83. Rimonov – “son of Rimon”, Leo
  84. Riabtsev – “son of a belt-maker”, Scorpio
  85. Riabov – “son of a softener”, Scorpio
  86. Riakhin – “son of a riakh”, Sagittarius
  87. Riashin – “son of a riash”, Scorpio
  88. Riumin – “son of Riuma”, Pisces
  89. Rodygin – “son of Rodyg”, Scorpio
  90. Rogachev – “from Rogachevo”, Scorpio
  91. Rogozhin – “son of a rogoz”, Pisces
  92. Rozenberg – “rose mountain”, Aquarius
  93. Rozenblat – “rose leaf”, Aquarius
  94. Rozhdestvensky – “from Rozhdestvo”, Leo
  95. Rozin – “rose”, Scorpio
  96. Rozovsky – “from Rozova”, Aquarius
  97. Rubashkin – “shirtmaker”, Pisces
  98. Rudakov – “son of Rudak”, Scorpio
  99. Rudenko – “son of Rudei”, Taurus
  100. Rudnev – “son of Rudei”, Taurus
  101. Rudoi – “red”, Scorpio
  102. Rukosuev – “son of Rukosuei”, Scorpio
  103. Rukovishnikov – “son of a glove maker”, Scorpio
  104. Rusanov – “son of Rusan”, Scorpio
  105. Rusinov – “son of Rusin”, Pisces
  106. Rusakov – “son of Rusa”, Scorpio
  107. Ruzhin – “from Ruzha”, Scorpio
  108. Ryzhikov – “son of Ryzhik”, Aries
  109. Ryzhkov – “son of Ryzh”, Aries
  110. Rybak – “fisherman”, Pisces
  111. Rybalchenko – “son of a fisherman”, Pisces
  112. Rybalka – “fishing”, Pisces
  113. Rybalkin – “son of a fisherman”, Pisces
  114. Rybin – “fish”, Pisces
  115. Rybkina – “daughter of a fisherman”, Pisces
  116. Rybkin – “son of a fisherman”, Pisces
  117. Rybko – “fish”, Pisces
  118. Rybkin – “son of a fisherman”, Pisces
  119. Rysev – “son of Rysev”, Scorpio
  120. Ryss – “Russian”, Scorpio
  121. Ryvkin – “son of Ryvka”, Scorpio
  122. Ryzhov – “red”, Aries
  123. Ryzhenkov – “son of Ryzhenka”, Aries
  124. Ryzhkova – “daughter of Ryzhkov”, Aries
  125. Ryazantsev – “from Ryazan”, Scorpio
  126. Ryazanov – “from Ryazan”, Scorpio
  127. Ryumkin – “son of Ryumka”, Scorpio
  128. Ryumin – “son of Ryuma”, Pisces


Russian surnames starting with the letter “R” represent a unique aspect of Russian culture and history. From the ancient Slavic origins of these surnames to the diverse meanings and associations with zodiac signs, these names offer a fascinating insight into the past and present of Russian identity. Whether you’re looking to trace your family tree or simply appreciate the richness and complexity of Russian culture, exploring surnames starting with “R” can be an enriching and enlightening experience. With their diverse meanings and connections to Russian history, these surnames continue to be an important part of Russian identity today. Whether you’re an avid genealogist, a lover of history and culture, or simply curious about the world around you, Russian last names starting with “R” are certainly worth exploring.

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