Russian surnames starting with the letter “E” are an interesting and diverse collection of surnames passed down through generations. These surnames often reflect Russia’s history, geography, and cultural heritage. Some common characteristics of Russian surnames starting with “E” include their Slavic origins, with many of them originating from words that describe physical or personality traits, professions, or places of origin.
Examples of Russian surnames starting with “E” include Abramov, Alekseev, Andreev, Antonov, and Artamonov. These surnames may have meanings related to “father of many,” “defender,” “priceless,” “first,” or “hero.”
Interestingly, some surnames beginning with “E” may also reflect a person’s zodiac sign, with many Scorpios, Pisces, and Sagittarius represented in this category.
Overall, Russian surnames starting with “E” represent a rich and diverse part of Russian culture and history. They offer a glimpse into the past, as well as a connection to family and heritage for those who bear them.
Russian surnames beginning with E
Friends’ Here List Russian surnames starting with E or Russian last names beginning with E
- Egorov (Егоров) – son of George, Aries
- Evdokimov (Евдокимов) – good reputation, Scorpio
- Ermakov (Ермаков) – son of Yermak, Scorpio
- Erofeev (Ерофеев) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Efimov (Ефимов) – pious, Sagittarius
- Egorychev (Егорычев) – son of George, Aries
- Eremeev (Еремеев) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Ermolaev (Ермолаев) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Evseev (Евсеев) – good reputation, Scorpio
- Evtushenko (Евтушенко) – a descendant of Evtushen, Cancer
- Efanov (Ефанов) – derived from Euthymius, Taurus
- Egorichev (Егоричев) – son of George, Aries
- Emelianov (Емельянов) – rival, Libra
- Epifanov (Епифанов) – manifestation of God, Pisces
- Ershov (Ершов) – descendant of Ersh, Taurus
- Efremov (Ефремов) – fruitful, Sagittarius
- Ermilov (Ермилов) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Evlampiev (Евлампьев) – torchbearer, Scorpio
- Evtukhov (Евтухов) – derived from Evdokh, Cancer
- Eliseev (Елисеев) – son of Elisey, Leo
- Ermoshin (Ермошин) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Erokhin (Ерохин) – descended from Erokh, Scorpio
- Esin (Есин) – ash tree, Aquarius
- Ezhov (Ежов) – derived from the word “yozh” (hedgehog), Sagittarius
- Efrosinin (Ефросинин) – derived from Euphrosyne, Scorpio
- Egorlykina (Егорлыкина) – female descendant of Egor, Aries
- Elagin (Елагин) – descended from Elagin, Leo
- Enyutin (Енютин) – a derivative of the word “enyu” (to the roots), Scorpio
- Epanchin (Епанчин) – descended from Epantsev, Pisces
- Efanova (Ефанова) – female descendant of Euthymius, Taurus
- Egorina (Егорина) – female descendant of George, Aries
- Efremova (Ефремова) – female fruitful, Sagittarius
- Ermolova (Ермолова) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Evdokimova (Евдокимова) – good reputation, Scorpio
- Ebel (Эбель) – derived from Abel, Scorpio
- Evtushok (Евтушок) – diminutive form of Evtushenko, Cancer
- Egorletov (Егорлетов) – son of George, Aries
- Elizarov (Елизаров) – derived from Lazarus, Taurus
- Ermakovskaya (Ермаковская) – feminine form of Ermakov, Scorpio
- Ermolenko (Ермоленко) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Evgeniev (Евгеньев) – derived from Eugene, Aquarius
- Evtukhova (Евтухова) – derived from Evdokh, Cancer
- Emelyanova (Емельянова) – rival, Libra
- Epifanova (Епифанова) – manifestation of God, Pisces
- Ershova (Ершова) – descendant of Ersh, Taurus
- Efimova (Ефимова) – pious, Sagittarius
- Egoricheva (Егоричева) – female descendant of George, Aries
- Emelianova (Емельянова) – rival, Libra
- Evlampieva (Евлампьева) – torchbearer, Scorpio
- Eliseeva (Елисеева) – daughter of Elisey, Leo
- Ermilova (Ермилова) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Erokhina (Ерохина) – descended from Erokh, Scorpio
- Esina (Есина) – ash tree, Aquarius
- Efrosinina (Ефросинина) – derived from Euphrosyne, Scorpio
- Elaginova (Елагинова) – descended from Elagin, Leo
- Enyutina (Енютина) – feminine derivative of “enyu” (to the roots), Scorpio
- Efanovskaya (Ефановская) – derived from Euthymius, Taurus
- Egorovna (Егоровна) – daughter of George, Aries
- Efremovskaya (Ефремовская) – fruitful, Sagittarius
- Ermolov (Ермолов) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Evdokimova (Евдокимова) – good reputation, Scorpio
- Ermakovskiy (Ермаковский) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Egorushkin (Егорушкин) – son of George, Aries
- Efremova (Ефремова) – fruitful, Sagittarius
- Elchaninov (Елчанинов) – descended from Elkhan, Cancer
- Ermakov (Ермаков) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Esaulov (Есаулов) – son of the chieftain, Scorpio
- Evtukhov (Евтухов) – derived from Evdokh, Cancer
- Efanova (Ефанова) – derived from Euthymius, Taurus
- Ermishina (Ермишина) – feminine form of Ermishin, Aquarius
- Elistratova (Елистратова) – derived from Elistrat, Scorpio
- Enina (Енина) – descendant of Enya, Sagittarius
- Ermakovskiy (Ермаковский) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Efremenko (Ефременко) – fruitful, Sagittarius
- Eliseev (Елисеев) – son of Elisey, Leo
- Egorov (Егоров) – descendant of George, Aries
- Efanov (Ефанов) – derived from Euthymius, Taurus
- Evlampiev (Евлампьев) – torchbearer, Scorpio
- Erokhin (Ерохин) – descended from Erokh, Scorpio
- Enyutin (Енютин) – derived from “enyu” (to the roots), Scorpio
- Evtushenko (Евтушенко) – diminutive form of Evtusha, Cancer
- Emelyanov (Емельянов) – rival, Libra
- Elkhovskiy (Ельховский) – derived from the village of Elkhovo, Leo
- Ermolovich (Ермолович) – son of Ermolai, Aquarius
- Esipov (Есипов) – son of Joseph, Aries
- Evseeva (Евсеева) – derived from Eusebius, Scorpio
- Egorovich (Егорович) – son of George, Aries
- Efanova (Ефанова) – derived from Euthymius, Taurus
- Enikolopov (Ениколопов) – derived from Nicholas, Sagittarius
- Ermoshin (Ермошин) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Esin (Есин) – ash tree, Aquarius
- Evtushok (Евтушок) – diminutive form of Evtusha, Cancer
- Elizarova (Елизарова) – derived from Lazarus, Taurus
- Ermilov (Ермилов) – peaceful ruler, Aquarius
- Egorushkina (Егорушкина) – female descendant of George, Aries
- Emelianov (Емельянов) – rival, Libra
- Evlampieva (Евлампьева) – torchbearer, Scorpio
- Elyseev (Елысеев) – derived from Elisha, Leo
- Ermolenko (Ермоленко) – son of Ermolai, Aquarius
- Eremeeva (Еремеева) – derived from Jeremiah, Aquarius
- Efanovskaya (Ефановская) – derived from Euthymius, Taurus
- Erofeev (Ерофеев) – descended from Erofei, Scorpio
- Evsyukova (Евсюкова) – derived from Eusebius, Scorpio
- Enin (Енин) – descendant of Enya, Sagittarius
- Egorova (Егорова) – descendant of George, Aries
- Eristova (Еристова) – derived from Erist, Leo
- Efremova (Ефремова) – fruitful, Sagittarius
- Ektova (Ектова) – derived from Ekaterina, Cancer
- Elshin (Ельшин) – derived from the village of Elshanka, Leo
- Elizarov (Елизаров) – derived from Lazarus, Taurus
- Esterina (Естерина) – derived from Esther, Aquarius
- Eserova (Есерова) – derived from the Yiddish word for “essence”, Scorpio
Russian Last Names Starting With E
Here are 100 Russian last names starting with the letter “E,” along with their meanings and the associated zodiac sign.
- Egorov – Derived from the Greek name Georgios, meaning “farmer.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
- Efimov – Derived from the Greek name Euphemia, meaning “well-spoken.” (Zodiac: Libra)
- Ermakov – Derived from the name Yermak, meaning “holy man.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
- Evdokimov – Derived from the Greek name Eudokimos, meaning “well-thought-of.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
- Erofeev – Derived from the Greek name Erophilos, meaning “beloved.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
- Ermolayev – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Erokhin – Derived from the Russian word “erokh,” meaning “eagle.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermishin – Derived from the name Ermish, meaning “red.” (Zodiac: Aries)
- Efanov – Derived from the Greek name Euphanios, meaning “well-appearing.” (Zodiac: Leo)
- Eletskiy – Derived from the town of Yelets in Russia. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
- Ermolenko – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Elin – Derived from the Greek name Helene, meaning “torch” or “light.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
- Ermilov – Derived from the name Ermil, meaning “zealous.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermishin – Derived from the name Ermish, meaning “red.” (Zodiac: Aries)
- Ermakov – Derived from the name Yermak, meaning “holy man.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
- Erokhin – Derived from the Russian word “erokh,” meaning “eagle.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermolayev – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Erofeev – Derived from the Greek name Erophilos, meaning “beloved.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
- Efimov – Derived from the Greek name Euphemia, meaning “well-spoken.” (Zodiac: Libra)
- Evdokimov – Derived from the Greek name Eudokimos, meaning “well-thought-of.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
- Egorov – Derived from the Greek name Georgios, meaning “farmer.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
- Ermolenko – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Eletskiy – Derived from the town of Yelets in Russia. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
- Efanov – Derived from the Greek name Euphanios, meaning “well-appearing.” (Zodiac: Leo)
- Elin – Derived from the Greek name Helene, meaning “torch” or “light.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
- Ermilov – Derived from the name Ermil, meaning “zealous.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermishin – Derived from the name Ermish, meaning “red.” (Zodiac: Aries)
- Ermakov – Derived from the name Yermak, meaning “holy man.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
- Erokhin – Derived from the Russian word “erokh,” meaning “eagle.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermolayev – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Erofeev – Derived from the Greek name Erophilos, meaning “beloved.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
- Efimov – Derived from the Greek name Euphemia, meaning “well-spoken.” (Zodiac: Libra)
- Evdokimov – Derived from the Greek name Eudokimos, meaning “well-thought-of.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
- Egorov – Derived from the Greek name Georgios, meaning “farmer.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
- Ermolenko – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Eletskiy – Derived from the town of Yelets in Russia. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
- Efanov – Derived from the Greek name Euphanios, meaning “well-appearing.” (Zodiac: Leo)
- Elin – Derived from the Greek name Helene, meaning “torch” or “light.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
- Ermilov – Derived from the name Ermil, meaning “zealous.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermishin – Derived from the name Ermish, meaning “red.” (Zodiac: Aries)
- Ermakov – Derived from the name Yermak, meaning “holy man.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
- Erokhin – Derived from the Russian word “erokh,” meaning “eagle.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermolayev – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Erofeev – Derived from the Greek name Erophilos, meaning “beloved.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
- Efimov – Derived from the Greek name Euphemia, meaning “well-spoken.” (Zodiac: Libra)
- Evdokimov – Derived from the Greek name Eudokimos, meaning “well-thought-of.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
- Egorov – Derived from the Greek name Georgios, meaning “farmer.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
- Ermolenko – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Eletskiy – Derived from the town of Yelets in Russia. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
- Efanov – Derived from the Greek name Euphanios, meaning “well-appearing.” (Zodiac: Leo)
- Elin – Derived from the Greek name Helene, meaning “torch” or “light.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
- Ermilov – Derived from the name Ermil, meaning “zealous.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermishin – Derived from the name Ermish, meaning “red.” (Zodiac: Aries)
- Ermakov – Derived from the name Yermak, meaning “holy man.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
- Erokhin – Derived from the Russian word “erokh,” meaning “eagle.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermolayev – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Erofeev – Derived from the Greek name Erophilos, meaning “beloved.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
- Efimov – Derived from the Greek name Euphemia, meaning “well-spoken.” (Zodiac: Libra)
- Evdokimov – Derived from the Greek name Eudokimos, meaning “well-thought-of.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
- Egorov – Derived from the Greek name Georgios, meaning “farmer.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
- Ermolenko – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Eletskiy – Derived from the town of Yelets in Russia. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
- Efanov – Derived from the Greek name Euphanios, meaning “well-appearing.” (Zodiac: Leo)
- Elin – Derived from the Greek name Helene, meaning “torch” or “light.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
- Ermilov – Derived from the name Ermil, meaning “zealous.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermishin – Derived from the name Ermish, meaning “red.” (Zodiac: Aries)
- Ermakov – Derived from the name Yermak, meaning “holy man.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
- Erokhin – Derived from the Russian word “erokh,” meaning “eagle.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermolayev – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Erofeev – Derived from the Greek name Erophilos, meaning “beloved.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
- Efimov – Derived from the Greek name Euphemia, meaning “well-spoken.” (Zodiac: Libra)
- Evdokimov – Derived from the Greek name Eudokimos, meaning “well-thought-of.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
- Egorov – Derived from the Greek name Georgios, meaning “farmer.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
- Ermolenko – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Eletskiy – Derived from the town of Yelets in Russia. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
- Efanov – Derived from the Greek name Euphanios, meaning “well-appearing.” (Zodiac: Leo)
- Elin – Derived from the Greek name Helene, meaning “torch” or “light.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
- Ermilov – Derived from the name Ermil, meaning “zealous.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermishin – Derived from the name Ermish, meaning “red.” (Zodiac: Aries)
- Ermakov – Derived from the name Yermak, meaning “holy man.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
- Erokhin – Derived from the Russian word “erokh,” meaning “eagle.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermolayev – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Erofeev – Derived from the Greek name Erophilos, meaning “beloved.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
- Efimov – Derived from the Greek name Euphemia, meaning “well-spoken.” (Zodiac: Libra)
- Evdokimov – Derived from the Greek name Eudokimos, meaning “well-thought-of.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
- Egorov – Derived from the Greek name Georgios, meaning “farmer.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
- Ermolenko – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Eletskiy – Derived from the town of Yelets in Russia. (Zodiac: Capricorn)
- Efanov – Derived from the Greek name Euphanios, meaning “well-appearing.” (Zodiac: Leo)
- Elin – Derived from the Greek name Helene, meaning “torch” or “light.” (Zodiac: Gemini)
- Ermilov – Derived from the name Ermil, meaning “zealous.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermishin – Derived from the name Ermish, meaning “red.” (Zodiac: Aries)
- Ermakov – Derived from the name Yermak, meaning “holy man.” (Zodiac: Virgo)
- Erokhin – Derived from the Russian word “erokh,” meaning “eagle.” (Zodiac: Scorpio)
- Ermolayev – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
- Erofeev – Derived from the Greek name Erophilos, meaning “beloved.” (Zodiac: Aquarius)
- Efimov – Derived from the Greek name Euphemia, meaning “well-spoken.” (Zodiac: Libra)
- Evdokimov – Derived from the Greek name Eudokimos, meaning “well-thought-of.” (Zodiac: Sagittarius)
- Egorov – Derived from the Greek name Georgios, meaning “farmer.” (Zodiac: Taurus)
- Ermolenko – Derived from the name Ermolai, meaning “peaceful.” (Zodiac: Pisces)
Russian surnames starting with the letter “E” represent a unique aspect of Russian culture and history. From the ancient Slavic origins of these surnames to the diverse meanings and associations with zodiac signs, these names offer a fascinating insight into the past and present of Russian identity. Whether you’re looking to trace your family tree or simply appreciate the richness and complexity of Russian culture, exploring surnames starting with “E” can be an enriching and enlightening experience. With their diverse meanings and connections to Russian history, these surnames continue to be an important part of Russian identity today. Whether you’re an avid genealogist, a lover of history and culture, or simply curious about the world around you, Russian last names starting with “E” are certainly worth exploring.